A lesson in Discernment/Alien + GFL Related

Radiate Light
6 min readJan 4, 2021

I have been delving into the interests of Aliens lately. Not simply wonders about their existence or obsessing over video footage of sightings. I’ve been contemplating this whole idea surrounding having a universe, or even multiverse full of it’s own politics and social “states of the world”.

There is a whole council, if you will, that oversees thing in the galaxy. I don’t know what the purpose is yet, exactly. I just know that a couple weeks ago I thought I was talking to them and tonight things have come together in my head about it. For that, we need to start back at the beginning.

A friend of mine recently brought up the subject of mirrors in metaphysics. If you have heard about this topic, you probably understand that most of the info you find is negative and dangerous. These people somehow come up with these games where you’re not taking the spirit world seriously, therefore finding yourself in an unknown environment with vague intentions and you know nothing about the energies you’re interacting with.

I wondered if I could use it for good, so without going into detail (please just don’t mess with mirrors) I attempted to put good intentions into this activity and see what would come of it.

I don’t know if that’s why I can contact them now. It may possibly just be that I left myself extremely open due to this “exercise”.

The first time I had an interaction with these beings I was just guided into it. I didn’t know any different at this point to ask who was speaking to me so I figured it was my guides per usual. I was guided to use my amethyst. I laid down in bed and all of sudden I’m shown to ground and roots with glowing pinky purpley flowers decorating them beautifully uncurl out of my body. Something you would see in the movie Avatar. Upwards off in the distance I see a round purple ring with what looks like the void of space with some starts off in the distance, as if it’s a window I’m looking through. And I see a figure — I will try to find an easy way to get some photos into this blog entry after posting- I can’t remember what was said, but I know I was wide open for a while and they were gassing me up. Telling me how beautiful and special I was. Finally about 2 hours or so later I realized I might want to close myself up.

Fast forward 4 or 5 days and I am having a “meh” and frustrating day. I’m trying to think of ways to raise my vibration and I figure I will go to my spot in the woods and just chill. I all of a sudden get someone coming in to tell me to bring my pine and sage to burn, my notebook and pen, and phone to write down some Pick a Card Tarot Readings I watch on YouTube. I burn my sage and pine as guided around my little spot, sit down to take notes. As I’m trying to connect with spirit that “cosmic window”, as I call it, pops up and there’s 3 or 4 of these figures I saw before but I could see them more clearly now. No faces, but the image in my mind was that of either George or the Brain Gremlin from Gremlins 2, but without the Gremlin ears. They were tall, with ears like a Star Trek Volken, if their ears sat up against their heads more (again I’ll get pics).

I’m so glad I wrote this channeling down. A little back story, I had a friend recently express so much love for me and that we had a soul connection. I do believe we do, but I believe the Reptillians (if that’s what they are) took full advantage of both of us. We both had this urgency for me to go down and visit him in Alabama because he felt like shit was going to hit the fan soon and we wouldn’t be able to see each other. But because they were messing with me so much, I thought all of this was much bigger.

They told me that Andrew (name change) and I were going to help heal the world. We were under the impression that we had something we needed to figure out. It all sounded so self righteous to me, but again, I didn’t know this was a thing I even had to worry about! Not that I hadn’t been warned to be careful what I let in, and intention is everything.They told me that humans are going extinct and they need us for better days. I don’t think they meant better days for humans.

I reached out to a friend better versed in this stuff than myself and was informed that there are beings out there that need our light for some reason. They THINK they need our light. What I got out of it was that if they just let us ascend, it would be great for everyone.

So now here is where things started making sense to me. I was listening to this channeling video on a walk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ht_axTa4ukk and the things I was hearing were just making things click.

I suppose to start, let’s talk about the show The Magicians for a minute. I firmly believe there are truths to the universe whether literally or metaphorically in all scifi fantasy or supernatural material because it all had to come from somewhere, and the more I delve into my own spiritual journey the more I see this. “The more I learn, the less I know” has held up it’s meaning lately.

In The Magicians there is a multiverse. The multiverse is full of different water fountains that act as portals to other worlds. These worlds are basically created by the Gods as a fun thing to experiment with. It’s like their purpose in the universe and what they create can very much reflect on them as a god. But I digress. What if that’s what is going on?

One channeler got a message stating “the experiment is over”. So what if times right now, are likened to that of the Christian Rapture? This doesn’t mean it’s going to be just like Revelations. But what if this shift we had with the Age of Aquarius is to help some ascend. People talk about this split that will happen where some will ascend to 5D and some will stay in the (3D or 4D? I get mixed info on which one we are even in right now). Maybe our guides and other beings are assigned to help us ascend, like a mentor, because they already have. They know how. Some of us will asend, and some of us will have more work to do. Maybe, generations and generations from now, the experiment will end?

So if these beings feel like they need our light instead of just ascending themselves or whatever the case — I guess they would be kind of worried that we’ll peace out and not be at their control. That’s what they were trying to do to me. They were trying to control me. I’m not saying they got inside my head or pulled some mind control weirdness. But there is definitely a lesson on MANY scales here. The pretended to be something I could trust, used trickery and flattery — as they are known for — and I was wide open. Anything else could have come in.

If you are new to some of this stuff like me, please start asking who you are speaking with. The weird thing is none of it felt wrong to me at all. It didn’t feel “light” but it didn’t feel “dark” or “heavy” or anything. So it really makes me wonder about the neutrality of the worlds out there. Everything seems to “just be” and it’s all our perspective. Sometimes we don’t have good or bad outcomes necessarily, and it’s really only based on our perspective and it’s all very relative. It’s like many beings are on their own team, and no team at all sometimes.



Radiate Light

My Name is Liz. This year I learned and surrendered to the fact that I am psychic and on a spiritual awakening journey. Please join me in life’s vicissitudes.